The Secret Sauce behind Ad Retargeting

If you’re reading this article, you’ve probably heard all sorts of things about Facebook’s ad re-targeting technology. Let me tell you, most of the things you’ve heard are absolutely correct. Perhaps you’ve heard that ad re-targeting enables merchants to bring customers back to their shopping carts so they can buy something. That is absolutely true. It doesn’t work 100% of the time, but it works enough to make quite a bit of a difference. Similarly,…


Can Facebook Really Deliver Sales?

Can Facebook Really Deliver Sales? One of the biggest misconceptions about Facebook’s marketing potential turns on whether Facebook can be a good source of traffic that actually buys stuff from online stores. For every positive story you hear of merchants killing it with Facebook traffic, You’d probably hear dozens more merchants who are frustrated with Facebook. They really cannot make heads or tails of Facebook’s traffic, as far as their e-commerce sales are concerned. They’re…