5 Tips to Overcome Your Fear of Judgment

Fear of judgment is natural.

It’s something that holds us back from pursuing our aspirations and goals.

It may also be a roadblock that stands between us and being about to express ourselves.

Here we go over five useful tips on how to overcome this.

Whether it’s the fear of being rejected, ridiculed, or criticized, the fear of judgment can freeze us in place.

And it leads to overthinking.

Let’s go over the following list of tips that will help you overcome your fear of judgment now.


1.   Practice Self-Acceptance


This is the first and perhaps most crucial step.

Accept yourself for who you are unconditionally.

It’s important to remember that you are unique.

There is no such thing as a “one-size-fits-all” definition when it comes to success.

Everyone has imperfections, regardless if they choose to accept it or not.


2.   Shift Your Focus Inward


Constant worry – especially worrying about what others think of you –

is another symptom of the fear of judgment.

This causes diversion of focus on what truly matters, which is your goals and desires.

Refrain from seeking validation from external sources.

Instead, concentrate on your own thoughts, feelings, and aspirations.

Doing this consistently will pull you away from the external judgments and your thoughts on them.


3.   Accept That Everyone Faces Judgment


Here’s the thing: you’re not alone when it comes to judgment.

Everyone faces it in one form or another.

If you are able to recognize this, you’ll feel less isolated and more confident going forward.


4.   Surround Yourself with Supportive People


This seems like a no-brainer.

The people who support you best would never cast judgment.

Nor will they be negative towards your goals and aspirations.

Yes, some may give you some tough love and advice.

But don’t confuse it with negative judgment.

You’ll want to know the difference between the two.


5.   Take Small Steps Outside Your Comfort Zone


One of the best ways to conquer your fears –

whether it’s judgment or something else –

is stepping out of your comfort zone.

It doesn’t have to be a large enough leap.

It can be small, calculated, measured steps.

The farther you step out of your comfort zone, the better.

This means you’ll need to put yourself in situations that will make you feel uncomfortable, but at the end you go forward knowing that there’s a beneficial reward at the end.

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