Making money as an affiliate

Making money as an affiliate/network marketer is a journey, not a race.

There are many variables to success.

Your main focus should be building your list (email subscribers, contacts made through networking, etc).

We have strategies and training to help you do it.

Some people are so worried about getting sales that if they don’t get at least one in the first week, they quit –

Do they really think it will be different if they promote something else instead.

This is not a winning formula, it just drains the bank account in the long run.

Running to the next shiny object will not solve the problems!

Shiny objects are for when you are all “skilled up” and already have a list that knows and trusts you –

– and even then, the number of shiny objects has to be limited

because no one can keep up with that much,

most programs/systems/bizopps always have updates,

marketing material, etc to keep up with.

Here are some crucial daily tasks……

drive traffic to lead capture page(s)

— Send a broadcast email to your opt ins (subscribers)

— Send one of the prospecting videos to at least 3 individual contacts and/or in a broadcast email to all or parts of your email lists – and ask them for their comments about it.

— On Mondays, invite people to our conference call, on Tuesdays, send out the recording of the call

–Visit the facebook group,

–React to and comment on the posts,

–feel free to make a post that motivates or shares a success or helpful tip,

–when you have prospects that join, be sure to say hello so they know you are friendly, approachable, accessible, helpful.

Connect with your leads and referrals and build that relationship.

People want to know how you,

our team, and the company will assist and benefit them!

Connect with them on social media (our facebook group is ideal for that!), text or call them, without “pitching”

It’s not all about the money

Rid yourself of that mentality if you have it.

Make it about serving others, a servant mentality.

As you serve them, you will earn.

Take the initiative to listen to the calls and to read the posts in the group –

some of those posts contain valuable information to help you in your marketing.

ALWAYS reach out when you have questions or need assistance.

That is what the team leaders are for – its what we do!

Instead of looking for “easy” -just keep it “simple”

Our primary focus is building a network inside of Wealth Step By Step, where every member is highly valued!

Contact me anytime for assistance, to brainstorm, or just to say hello.

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