Increase Your Free Traffic

If your goal is to increase your free traffic.

Great news!

If you create a social site you can do exactly that, increase your traffic for no cost.

Let’s have a look at what your social site needs to accomplish.

#1 Incorporate Call to Action –

Ask your visitors to become involved.

If they like what your site has to offer they’ll likely return.

Your call to action will engage your visitor and ask them to help by inviting others to your site, leaving comments and writing responses.

#2 Make Use of Comments –

Comments are a great way for you to interact and engage with your visitors.

You can stay in touch and respond to comments that are made.

You should allow a few minutes daily to respond to comments that have been made.

Engaged visitors come back!

#3 Interact With Other Blogs and Sites –

You can stay connected to other blogs and sites that are in your niche.

Leave comments on their posts, get involved with these communities and let people find you.

This will increase your traffic.

However, don’t hog the site and don’t be a nuisance.

Don’t post just to post.

Make sure you have something of value to add.

#4 Start Your Own Forum –

Add a forum to your site.

It’s a great place for people to gather and discuss everything from A to Z.

They can talk about the niche your site handles or about the weather.

Active forums are a great way to bring your visibility up in the search engines and that increases your traffic flow.

Don’t be surprised if your forum grows rapidly – the good ones do.

Just be prepared to add a moderator to the site to ensure things remain civil.

These are just four things you can do to create a more social site and increase traffic to your website.

Think outside the box and enjoy the growth.

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