The PLR Rulebook

The PLR Rulebook

Before you proceed with using PLR to build a business, there are a few minor
details you must know about.

There are many things you can do with PLR to grow your business

But there are some things which are strictly forbidden.

Depending on the source of your PLR, there may be different rules.

It is important that you take note of the PLR rules/license of each source

So that you don’t market PLR products unethically or illegally against the terms of the product

Let’s take a look at a general guideline to the Do’s and Don’ts of PLR products

What are the Dos of PLR?

● You can put your own name on the article
● You can change (edit/enhance/rewrite) the articles as you wish
● You can use these articles on your website or blog
● You can use these articles in your newsletter
● You can use these articles in your autoresponder
● You can use these articles on your membership site
● You can use them as a free gift
● You can use them as a paid product
● You can use them as competition prizes

What are the Don’ts of PLR

● Use them as a package in another PLR product (unless you have rights to
do this)
● Resell them as PLR products (giving the source doc away) this renders
your business is not profitable and builds competition
● Sell the unedited PLR product at dirt cheap prices (flooding the market with
nondescript PLR for poor profits (amature marketing)
● Use them for PLR membership sites (usually a no-no but the terms might
allow this)

As you can see the don’ts are subjective to the PLR seller, so always check the

PLR providers have usually paid substantial amounts of money

To give you the best PLR products in the market.

So the least we can do as ethical marketers is not to take their products and ignore the license terms and sell them away with Private Label Rights.

This is illegal!

They want us to make the best of the tools and content provided,

Leverage on them and build ourselves a sustainable, profitable and ethical business.

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